Time. | Teen Ink


December 13, 2015
By allykosmala BRONZE, Madison, Connecticut
allykosmala BRONZE, Madison, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One thing I've learned in life
Is that everything revolves around time.
Sometimes there is good timing,
Other times there is not.
But it’s not the timing that should matter.
It's how you use that time you have.

One thing I've learned in life
Is that a lot can happen in a day.
You can go from lovers to strangers.
Or maybe strangers to lovers.
It all just depends on the day,
And the opportunities you take,
And the choices you make.

One thing I've learned in life
Is that if you want it,
You can make it yours.
If you need it,
You can get it.
And it may not be easy,
Because you might just need some time.

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