Something New. | Teen Ink

Something New.

December 8, 2015
By Air_Coppage SILVER, Wheatfield, Indiana
Air_Coppage SILVER, Wheatfield, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Something that I have longed for for quite some time is something fresh and untried in the many forms of entertainment in our world. A movie, a song, a book, and yet the harder I look the more I see that somebody can compare a piece of work to another. Even the words I write now,there are some that would say these words are not my own, and yet my word is my only proof. It is such a tragedy when a man who works for years on the next big thing is scoffed at by some, And they say that someone else did it better. New is not new, but modified.The formula is flipped, or the configuration is changed, but it is still the same..

.. And we all know it. 

The author's comments:

I think it is difficult to find something that is TOTALLY unique and original nowadays. I always hear people say that the new movie or game that is coming out has similarities to other work, which makes me upset because it seems like we’re out of ideas at this point..

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