He said She said | Teen Ink

He said She said

December 8, 2015
By CrazyPhoto15 BRONZE, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
CrazyPhoto15 BRONZE, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only thing to fear is fear itself"

He looks but nothing else
He stares but none the less
He watches but doesn’t act
He feels but doesn’t speak
He knows but is too scared for anything else
She looks but nothing happens
She speaks but not to him
She waits for him to notice her
She feels but thinks he doesn’t
She is sad because he doesn’t do anything
She misses his happiness
He wonders about her feelings
They both are scared
Scared to feel
He just wants her happiness but doesn’t know how to help
She wants him to not be scared
She wants his happiness
But thinks he doesn’t trust her
He trusts her but thinks she doesn’t
They want to feel but think they will get hurt
They act but are scared to
They admit everything but are still scared
They date but very slowly
She wants to move a little faster
He is scared to go faster
They talk but ask too many questions
She hates questions
She thinks she loves someone
But is scared he doesn’t love her
Fear and loneliness is what she feels
They talk but about nothing important
She waits and waits and waits for love
She is waiting for her superman but he never comes
They say he will never come and that she is forever alone
But they don’t know what she is going through
She needs a way out of her life but the only way that will happen is if her superman comes
Her heart has been broken too many times before
She doesn’t want to date because she is too afraid to be hurt again
She wants to trust him but is fearful
She doesn’t know what to do
He loves her but is afraid that he can’t give her what she deserves
They are both broken but don’t realize that to be fixed they need each other
They love each other but think that the other doesn’t love them
But since she has been hurt she doesn’t want to even think that he is faking liking her just to look cool to his friends
But little does she know that she is his first girlfriend
They are both TERRIFIED that they are gonna mess something up even by doing the slightest thing
He is afraid that she likes someone else
She is afraid she likes someone else
She is feeling so conflicted over this dilemma
She loves him but is scared that it might not be true
She wants to think that all of it is just a crazy dream
But it doesn’t work she knows that it’s real
She is afraid she likes someone in her class
At 13 everyone says you don’t know what love is
At 12 he knows what he feels but isn’t sure if love is the right word
She wishes she knew what to do why can’t she figure it out?!
She used to despise him now she might like him
That’s INSANE!
How could that be?
How could someone screw with her head so badly when they might not like her?
So many voices in her head
How to shut them up is a difficult task
She holds her head in her hands trying to figure it out
Her head is POUNDING
She needs to escape!
But how
She doesn’t want to hurt so she cries
And cries
She can’t stop crying
She is so conflicted
She wants to live her life happy but it never happens
She wants a sign to help
If he showed how much he cared it would help
But he doesn’t
She wants and needs a boy who will like her for her
Next year she will be in a different school
She doesn’t want to break up with someone like that
She wants to have a relationship as long as she can
She doesn’t want to lead anyone on so she doesn’t know which decision to make
How to get out?
The only way to solve her problem without hurting anyone is to hurt herself
But she can’t bring herself to do it
She has so much to lose
Can he still care?
He doesn’t do anything to show that he cares
She cuts to relieve all of the stress
But he sees the marks and asks her about them
She says she tripped and it happened
He knows what happened
She is to depressed to deal with questions right now
She hides and doesn’t answer the phone for anything
She wants to be alone so that she can figure everything out
Nobody will leave her alone
Why not?
They say they care but do they really?
It’s been years since she met him
She got over him
She wonders what happened to him
She has friends now
But she got her heart broken again
This guy promised he wouldn’t hurt her
He lied
He dropped her like she never meant anything
He dropped her like she didn’t matter or had feelings
She forgot him
He never happened
She never met him
She never dated him
She doesn’t know him
His loss
She now realizes she doesn’t need a guy to make her feel special
She has herself and that’s all she needs
She is better now
She isn’t depressed anymore
She is happy and will be happy
She will do it all for her grandpappy
She will make him proud of her.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Jan. 8 2016 at 11:55 pm
CrazyPhoto15 BRONZE, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only thing to fear is fear itself"

that is very true.the main thing is i wrote it last year but i added the last like 32 lines this year.

on Jan. 8 2016 at 3:41 pm
TheRealPrincess GOLD, Vallejo, California
11 articles 0 photos 12 comments
but the outcome was amazing. a creative writers best pieces take the most time to perfect and complete. The struggle of perfecting it is what makes the piece. If poetry was easy, it wouldn't be as prized to others.

on Jan. 7 2016 at 6:15 pm
CrazyPhoto15 BRONZE, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only thing to fear is fear itself"

its ok. thnx btw. it was tough writing this.

on Jan. 7 2016 at 3:34 pm
TheRealPrincess GOLD, Vallejo, California
11 articles 0 photos 12 comments
This is amazing! Sorry that I didn't reply to you, there was a glitch in the website that prevented me from doing so.