Tell me | Teen Ink

Tell me

December 8, 2015
By TheBrokenMirror BRONZE, Houston, Ohio
TheBrokenMirror BRONZE, Houston, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tell me,

What do you do when you're drowning

But there is no water?

Tell me,

What do you do when sadness

Runs your happiest days?

Tell me,

What do you do when you feel so alone

But are surrounded be people?

Tell me,

What do you do when

Your mind is your worst enemy?

Tell me,

What do yuo do when crismson is your favorite color

But the metallic shine makes you cringe?

Tell me,

What do you do when you have so much to live for

But it all seems so hopless?

Tell me,

Waht do you do when they are everything,

But they don't even know your name?

Tell me,

What do yuo do when you want to shine,

But you are nothing more than a shadow?

Tell me,

What do you do when trying your hardest

Is never going to be good enough?

Tell me,

what do you do when the end is calling your name

But it is just the beginning?

Tell me,

What do you do when you have no answers?

Tell me.

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