Memories I make | Teen Ink

Memories I make

December 18, 2015
By Edward_Abraham SILVER, Norwalk, Iowa
Edward_Abraham SILVER, Norwalk, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A golf ball is and always will be so much more than a golf ball to me.
Form the smell of Freshly cut grass
to the fear of death when you hear FORE.
The dimples that make it up
to the divots that it makes.
It has its “ups” and “downs”.
From being trapped in the sand
to being stuck behind the trees
then hitting on the green to make the bogey.
A golf ball is much more than just the little snow white to me.

A golf ball is the memories of the game
from knowing how to hit it
to showing everyone else how not to hit it.
The stories that can not be untold
to the stories that it makes.
It knows how to take a hit
it shows us who is best.
From who can hit it the closest to the pin
but really winning when you’re the farthest away.
From being a ball to the occasional red apple.
A golf ball contains the memories I will never forget.

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