The light | Teen Ink

The light

December 21, 2015
By Kat1029 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
Kat1029 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You were my light.
You were the smooth air I use to breathe
You were the soft wind I felt against my skin.
You were the beautiful colors of fall
Your voice was as soft as a sweet melody on the piano
You shined like the stars within the darkness of the night.
You were so bright.
You were the sun to my days
You were my moon to my nights.
You were my light.
You made happiness feel like never before
You made being in love so easy
Who would’ve thought my heart could actually break
I fell too hard
  Not knowing you were never there to catch me
As you drifted away I fell to the floor
The ground felt cold
Feeling the emptiness inside my chest
Feeling every inch of my body shatter beneath me
The once bright light was gone
Darkness took over me
As I lay there shattered on the ground
I think how could this be
My head starts to pound
My head starts to spin
I felt all the hatred for loving you
You using me
Above it all the only thing I think about is you
Picking up the phone I dial your number
Seconds felt like hours until I heard your voice
Tears sting my eyes as I stand there
Stabbing my heart with every word
As I fill my lungs with air
My vision started to blur
Throwing the phone, I hear it shatter
Just like every inch of my body
Feeling my world turn into the abyss
Feeling as though I’m numb
I don't try to resist  
As I lay here in despair
I close my eyes and slowly drift away
Coming closer and closer to giving in
I start to grin
And finally I saw my light again

The author's comments:

myself have been through a lot with heart break. Although I am young I still have feelings. So I create this piece that I am very proud of 

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