Too Busy. | Teen Ink

Too Busy.

December 27, 2015
By Anonymous

Everything in this world is busy.
Leaving no time for anyone.
Leaving no time to stop for a moment to give the aspiring singer a nickel on the corner.
Leaving no time to have a nice meal with parents.
Leaving no time to call home from college.
Leaving no time to ask if that person crying alone is okay.

Leaving no time to say you love your soulmate.
Leaving no time for anyone to love himself or herself.
Only leaving time for an excuse.
I am just too busy today, maybe tomorrow.
Just. Too. Busy.
Too busy to realize that the kid on the corner is trying to sing to pay for his mother’s chemo because his dad left them the day she was diagnosed and too busy to hear the pain pouring from his heart because he knows she will die.
But everyone is too busy.
Too busy to realize that in just a moment their parents could be gone and no meal could ever be shared with them again and too busy to listen to the pain in their voices because they are aging and everything hurts and they just want their children back.
But everyone is too busy.
Too busy to realize that the one call home could have prevented their siblings suicide because everyone was too busy to notice the pain and loneliness in their younger siblings voice the last time that they would be seen.
But everyone is too busy.
Too busy to realize that the person crying has just found out that they have cancer and aren’t going to be able to get treatment because they were too busy to notice all the signs and just go to that stupid appointment.
But everyone is too busy.

Too busy to just say the three little words and eight small letters that can make your soulmate shine because they are too busy to say it to you.

But eveyerone is too busy.
Too busy to just take the time to love yourself because maybe tomorrow you won’t be too busy to take those five minutes to have a nice breakfast or call a loved one or help a stranger.
Maybe tomorrow you won’t be too busy.

The author's comments:

I really just hope that this makes people think twice about all the littles things that matter and that they learn to slow down and make time.

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