Three annoying songs | Teen Ink

Three annoying songs

January 6, 2016
By Redwingsfan13 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Redwingsfan13 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Four Skinny Trees
They are the only ones who understand me. I am the only one who understands them. Four skinny trees with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine. Four who do not belong here but are here. Four raggedy excuses planted by the city. From our room, we can hear them, but Nenny just sleeps and doesn’t appreciate these things.
Their strength is secret. They send ferocious roots beneath the ground. They grow up and they grow down and grab the earth between their hairy toes and bite the sky with violent teeth and never quit their anger. This is how they keep.
Let one forget his reason for being, they’d all droop like tulips in a glass, each with their arms around the other. Keep, keep, keep they say when I sleep. They teach.
When I am too sad and too skinny to keep keeping, when I am a tiny thing against so many bricks, then it is I look at trees. When there is nothing left to look at on this street. Four who grew despite concrete. Four who reach and do not forget to reach. Four whose only reason is to be and be.

Three annoying songs
Three annoying songs that are overplayed, the only one that annoy me
Three annoying songs playing on every local radio station, they only annoy me
Three songs that should not be played on the radio, but yet they are
Others enjoy the songs while they irritate me

Their evil plans to overplay the songs is their strength
You hear many others enjoy the music while I get irritated It is understandable that music artists make big hits but there's always 3 annoying songs. In today's world there will always be certain songs that are annoying. There will always be 3 songs that are annoying to me

Their top selling songs hit record highs for copies sold and so many enjoy it
Three songs will always be big hits the three annoying songs can easily get stuck in your head and then you are in trouble. You will be in trouble because you will be singing those annoying songs you thought you wouldn’t like

Their songs will be good to many people. But that will only last a little while. In a little while people will be saying how fed up they are with the song. People will say that song was good until they started overplaying it. Everyone has those songs that will always be annoying to them no matter what

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