In My Sister's Eyes | Teen Ink

In My Sister's Eyes

January 6, 2016
By LyricalLexi GOLD, HARTLAND, Wisconsin
LyricalLexi GOLD, HARTLAND, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To get to the light, we must go through the deepest darkness...

My family’s eyes color like a coloring wheel. My father and Skotty’s eyes are brown like the finest chocolate. My eyes, blue like the ocean at midnight. Devyn’s eyes are blue like the morning sky. And my mother’s are hazel like the name from “The Fault In Our Stars.”
But in my sister’s eyes, in my sister’s eyes, you can see her emotions. You can read what she's thinking just by looking. Her eyes, like information, tell you what she has done and did, finished and felt, and what she has said and started. She has hazel eyes with the green like grass, blue like the sky, and a little brown like a chocolate lab puppy. Eyes that say “I’m here.” Eyes that welcome you when you need a helping hand. Eyes that tell you not to be afraid of the dark even when she's scared too. Don't be afraid of the dark, because she’s scared too.

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