Wall Street Journal Love Poem | Teen Ink

Wall Street Journal Love Poem

January 6, 2016
By Piper1107 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Piper1107 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The remote birch glades.

The wish-list of skiing:

Heli-skiing in the steep and rugged terrain,

and in the backcountry, touring in alpine bowls.

The rowdy ski resorts.

Moody, low-angle polar sunshine,

and early morning tracks.

You ski snowy peaks,

a vast network of slopes.

A fresh sprinkle of snow can get you out into the cold. 

Dropped flakes fly,

and slopes freshly created.

Deep powder turns:

things look up for going downhill.

The hotel’s in-room fire,

the cheese-and-charcuterie platter.

At night, the Northern lights fly,

while slopes are freshly groomed.

from “New, Peak Experiences at Upscale Ski Resorts”

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