Recipe For A Blinding Headache | Teen Ink

Recipe For A Blinding Headache

January 6, 2016
By LyricalLexi GOLD, HARTLAND, Wisconsin
LyricalLexi GOLD, HARTLAND, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To get to the light, we must go through the deepest darkness...

A lifetime of TV watching
A pocketful of phone light
An instant moment of your mother yelling
3 different seasons of siblings
Galaxy of noises
7 portions of waking up
5 bins of other people's music
With a truck load of stupid questions
2 cases of bad movies

Take an instant moment of your mother yelling and stir slowly with a lifetime of TV watching. After mixed well, throw in 3 different seasons of siblings. When you finish add 7 portions of waking up mixed with a pocketful of phone light. In a separate bowl mix together 5 bins of other people’s music with a truck load of stupid questions. Once you mix it good to make a galaxy of noises, add 2 cases of bad movies. Once you have that completed mix the bowls together and bake. After baked, you’ll get your blinding headache. 

The author's comments:

My uncommon recipe poem about creating a blinding headache. 

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