Ten Uneven Rocks | Teen Ink

Ten Uneven Rocks

January 6, 2016
By jenkuck98 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
jenkuck98 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who are set apart from the rest. I am the only one who feels them deeper than just my toes. Ten uneven rocks with sandy sides and rough edges like mine. Ten who do not fit together but are together. Ten look-alikes walked upon by hundreds. From the beach, we can see them, but everyone prefers the comforting granules and don’t drown themselves in these beauties.
Their heavenliness is hypnotizing. They relax on the asymmetrical surface. They hold up and they press down and balance the smooth sides and grip the pointy corners and never cease loving. This is how they balance.
Let one forget reason for peace, they’d all tumble like bits of sand in your hand, breaking the fragile bond between one another. Stay, stay, stay, they say when I put another on top. They strengthen.
When I am too stressed and too worn out to keep trying, when I am an exhausted thing against so much chaos, then it is I stack another rock. When the beauty of the setting reflection is already admired. Ten who stayed despite coarse waves. Ten who balance and do not forget to balance. Ten whose only purpose is to see and see.

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