Tiger Woods | Teen Ink

Tiger Woods

January 6, 2016
By kylemazurek GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kylemazurek GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

He was made of $100 bills.
He could wrestle a panther.
He was the James Bond of golf.

Now, he’s just an aging American.
Now, he’s lost.
Now, he’s alone.

Doctors, back surgeries, aging, every day...
Once considered a prodigy, now closer to us than ever.
Long stretch of years, and he’s feeling every second of it.

I joke, I walk, I cry.
Distrust, dispiriting, and tumultuous.
He will always be the greatest ever. 

Kyle Mazurek, from “This is 40. Tiger Woods Gets Close to the Rest Of Us”

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