How To Survive Senior Year | Teen Ink

How To Survive Senior Year

January 6, 2016
By kylemazurek GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kylemazurek GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A galaxy of cups of coffee
An acre of college apps
A lifetime of debating on going out or not
A portion of all nighters
A heap of athletic events
A mountain of stress
A slice of small naps
A garden of homework
A sprinkle of a social life
A mile of hope crushed by reality

First you must start with the mile of hope crushed by reality and mix that with the a mountain of stress in a large bowl.  In a separate bowl, you must add the acre of college apps, a garden of homework, and a sprinkle of a social life.  After you blend them you must drizzle a galaxy of cups of coffee on top and mix.  After combining the two bowls, add a lifetime of debating on going out or not and spread a heap of athletic events on top.  Lastly you must mix the all nighters and naps together and spread it on top of rest.  You have now made “Senioritis”.

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