How to Fail a Class | Teen Ink

How to Fail a Class

January 5, 2016
By Lasch GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Lasch GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A heap of sleepless nights
A galaxy of incomplete homework
An acre of procrastination
Sprinkles of distraction
4 empty bins of motivation
Droplets of late work
Truckloads of failed tests and quizzes

1. First, make sure to get no sleep (you’ll fall asleep during class and miss all the notes)
2. Next, gather all the empty bins of motivation
3. Add the sprinkles of distraction on top
4. And then a few droplets of late work
5. Mix the distractions and late work together with an acre of procrastination
6. Watch all of that result into a faraway galaxy of incomplete homework (you’ll be sure to get horrible grades on your homework)
7. Maneuver the trucks of failed tests and quizzes to the rim of the bowl
8. Mix everything together until even
9. You will forsure earn an F in that class guaranteed

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