How To End A Friendship | Teen Ink

How To End A Friendship

January 5, 2016
By alyarcherforever GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
alyarcherforever GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How To End A Friendship

an era of betrayal
a smile of getting together with their ex-boyfriend
a moment of canceling plans at the last minute
a whisper of talking behind their back
a wink of spreading atrocious rumors
a droplet of stabbing them in the back
an lifetime of ignoring them
a streak of putting them last
a garden of hateful comments
a bin of lies

If you really don’t like your friend, this is a recipe for one of the worst ways to end a friendship. All you need is an era of betrayal with a smile of getting together with their ex-boyfriend. Next, you need a moment of canceling plans with them at the last minute. If they ask why, add a bin of lies to this mixture. Mix this together and they will start to get upset with you. In a separate bowl, add a whisper of talking behind their back and a garden of hateful comments. In the same bowl, pour in a wink of atrocious rumors and a droplet of stabbing them in the back. Combine these two mixtures together, and if they haven’t ditched you already, add these last few ingredients. Finally, blend a streak of putting them last and a lifetime of ignoring them. Stir these ingredients together and this will create tension between the two of you. Bake in the oven at I hate you degrees and this will surely end your friendship.

**Warning! Your ex-friend may forever hate you and may cause drama between your other friends. Please, use this recipe with caution.

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