Wall Street Love Poem | Teen Ink

Wall Street Love Poem

January 5, 2016
By NinaMarie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
NinaMarie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I view you as a piece of art:
an abstract picture resonating sadness and emotion.

Your dynamic, swirling brush strokes are mysterious and rare--
your style intensely appealing.

I experience your colors of pleasure and desire:
creating sensory impressions in my brain.

Your image bursts with meaning and sense--
the most beautiful artwork in the neural gallery.

I mix fear with hope:
dancing delicately in your mind.

You resonate in my frontal cortex--
playing in brain waves and triggering subjective synapses. 

People pass judgements on your texture and subject...
in which I say,

“The art you hate is the art I like.” -Nina DeQuardo

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