Cave Consolation | Teen Ink

Cave Consolation

January 5, 2016
By NinaMarie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
NinaMarie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m dropping, falling with miraculous speed. Within seconds frigid water envelops my body and I rise above the surface, rubbing my eyes to see. The water surrounding me is a crystal-like blue, a color I wasn’t aware nature could create.

Stalactites and stalagmites drape the rock walls and reach down like ghastly fingers. An alluring ray of light beams down through the hole in which I dropped.

It’s quiet. Eerily quiet. Noise can’t protrude these unyielding walls. I lay on my back, floating atop the dazzling water. Feelings of bliss and contentment wash through my mind like the waters I am immersed in-- I have found peace within a hollow in earth’s surface.

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