Recipe for Happiness | Teen Ink

Recipe for Happiness

January 5, 2016
By NinaMarie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
NinaMarie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A great deal of smiles
A lifetime of self-love
Heaps of contagious laughter
A hint of acquired knowledge
Loads of acceptance
A bundle of kindhearted friends
A flurry of confidence
Plethoras of memories
A dollop of creativity
Oodles of adventures

First, combine your smiles and heaps of laughter in a large mixing bowl.

In a separate container, mix in your bundles of friends and loads of acceptance.

Add a hint of acquired knowledge to the mixture for extra charm.

Stir together your two mixtures.

Once well blended, let the batter sit for a while.

Over time, your mixture’s flavor will become stronger.

Next, throw in a plethora of memories, oodles of adventures, and a dollop of creativity.

This will add some extra zest to your mixture!

Fill your heart with as much as you can.

Finally, sprinkle a flurry of confidence and a lifetime of self-love on top of your creation.

Refill your heart when needed.

** Note: Other ingredients may be added for a hint of extra delight.

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