Story Tellers | Teen Ink

Story Tellers

January 5, 2016
By IZB123 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
IZB123 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Our eyes tell a story- every hue holds a memory, a personality, a life.

   Her eye’s are ones of a goddess. Blue like a beautiful day’s sky- one that is cloudless with only the soul warming sun. Lashes longer than any redwood tree, with one blink the Chicago winds grow. Eyes you gaze at, silenced for a lifetime. Easily trustworthy but never underestimated. There's always a mystery behind every look.
My eyes are of one of a mutt-like a canvas crazily splattered with brown, grey, blue, and green.  You won’t find stability, silence, or structure- only the sea, stars, and soil. Ones who believe in today; tomorrow being a figment of time’s imagination. 

Our eyes tell a story- what do your eyes posses?

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