The Trapped-A Blind Culture | Teen Ink

The Trapped-A Blind Culture

January 5, 2016
By Tyler$ SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Tyler$ SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The righteous gods.
The greek queen, Helena, awaits deliverance.
Paris, the emissary of man,
Will deliver us to divine sanctuary.
Celebrations, can be heard all around
Troy will ascend.

The reckless gods.
An Archean fleet, waits along our shores, 
The sea, Poseidon grants them passage.
Deceit and bloodlust fouls the air.
The Archean army has confronted us.
Troy will retaliate.

The furious gods.
Archean warriors push forward,
Athena’s wrath grants them strength.
Decay and ash mask our retreat,
Our great walls grant us safety.
Troy will endure.

The traitorous gods.
They have left us behind.
Our wall has trapped us.
Our gift to the gods has betrayed us,
As greeks pour out like water, our destiny is clear.
Troy will burn.

The author's comments:

It was written about greek mythology and the fall of troy

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