"Kitchen Madness" | Teen Ink

"Kitchen Madness"

January 14, 2016
By BennettYuhas BRONZE, Isle Of Palms, South Carolina
BennettYuhas BRONZE, Isle Of Palms, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Shhh, quiet.
Listen to the sound of the dish washer washing
The sound that brings me back to the days of swimming on the beach
The waves curling over me, like the night sky over a suburban city
A paper town full of paper people
All the people walk around with the sound of nothing, nothingness slowly following them
All the way back to the silence in their head
All you can here in nothingness, it’s deafening noise
Like the sink when it won't turn off
It overflows, onto the floor where you find your paper city being flooded until there is no more
No more nothing, just madness! The silence is over.
The streets are flooded
How could we know that this was going to happen?
No one prepared me for this
No one told me that the kitchen was madness!
That the noises that come of this place could drive me insane
That the sound of all these things in the kitchen could bring back to a deafening silence.
All the way back to where you wish you could here that dishwasher once more. 

The author's comments:

inspiration came from working in the kitchen.

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