Abandoned | Teen Ink


January 14, 2016
By SecretHeart SILVER, Harper, Kansas
SecretHeart SILVER, Harper, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Woke up...
You were gone.
Nowhere to be found.

I look around,
And still hear your promise.
“I’ll see you soon.”

My eyes close,
I see your face.
Your eyes,
That smile.
I hear you laugh.

I hear that tone..
The tone in your voice
That you only use
When you’re angry,
Or frustrated..
By my lack of understanding.

I walk these halls,
And remember you.
Daily hugs,
Making me smile,
Hearing each other sing.
All were musts.

I sit in class,
Where I sat
Beside you.
Where we joked.

I sing in choir,
Where you once tried
to find and “kill”
someone who’d hurt me.
Where I spent
Many days
Crying in your arms.

The memories
In every wall
burst my train of thought.

How am I to study?
How should I sing?
Why do I try...
Without you here with me.

I don’t give up
Because I promised you
That giving up,
Could never happen.
That it’d hurt you.

I sing for you,
And only you,
It no longer helps
The pain.
I study hard,
Fight the tears,
So that you are proud.

Each day is long,
Each night, restless.
And you, always near.
You left, yes...
Abandoned me,
Before I could abandon you.

I woke up then,
I wake up now
Without you in sight.
I have nightmares,
Shed tears...
Waiting for you
to come back.

I fight each day,
That as long as I
Keep my promise
You will keep yours.

The author's comments:

In June of 2014 my best friend passed away in a car accident while I was 673 miles away. We had been talking about seeing eachother soon and were counting down the days before I'd be home on his birthday, just ten days before he passed. This poem was written to describe the feelings I have gone through since his passing.

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