"The kiss" | Teen Ink

"The kiss"

January 28, 2016
By Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
182 articles 13 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are always feeling every emotion, but only a few are screaming."

Life has been a challenge baby girl,
My first sight of you was behind the yellow sign,
My first touch of you looking in to your baby blue eyes,
I watched you spin around in your pink dress on the first day of kindergarten,
I kissed your hand,
I watched you come home with a runny nose,
Third Grade came sonly after,
I watched you come home tears in your eyes from the mean girls,
I hugged you saying you would always be mine,
You entered middle school,
Your bruised stained eye you thought would last forever,
I hugged you as you cried,
8th grade cam sonly after,
As you introduced your new “happily ever after.”
6 months later you threw up your tears,
I hugged you as you ate ice cream and cried,
Daughter O’ how you will forever be mine,
Then came 9th grade you joined your relationship to a skank,
Dried eye guy with the name of Jake,
2 months later you wished he would crumble under an earthquake,
11th grade came,
You were on your way to prom,
Let me take one photo till you rushed out of there saying bye mom,
Heavens they grow up so fast,
Soon after that I packed up your dolls into a bag and to the attic they rang,
You grasped me as you said “I’ll call,
Two years later I heard from you,
Oh babygirl you grew,
All the way to 5’2,
Called me late last night,
Told me you got eloped last night,
Not to worry and sleep tight,
I got a post card and it read as easy as I had said,

“Momma you tucked me in,”
Hardworking angel here breathe in,
I promise I’ll love you worthwhile,
Met a guy named Jake,
Have a baby his name is Drake,
Boy mom I love you,
Hope I can see you and that you are doing swell.
We are moving to New York,
I am going to be a lawyer,
Wow, It has been great to talk to you,
I have missed you everyday,
Mom it’ll be okay,
Promise me next time I see you,
Kiss my hand and hug me tight,
Heaven knows you have taught me right every good has been in your hands,
~Love Tarah
“The kiss.”

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