Where I’m From | Teen Ink

Where I’m From

February 3, 2016
By czehner2248 BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
czehner2248 BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from grateful parents as being the first child to survive
For all of my brothers before me never made it to one
I come from a simple, ordinary house much too big for our family of three
When home alone the house feels vacant and eerie
I’m a fun loving child that went on adventures around the forest
Jumping over logs looking for frogs that my dad and I caught
I’m from bicycle rides down winding paths and dusty trails near the river
Watching for stumps so I didn’t fall, much like I have before
I’m from baking scrumptious cookies with my mom on Christmas week
How the cookies were piled high on the counter and flour was everywhere but in the cookies
I’m from long days spent fishing at my grandpa’s pond
Waiting “patiently” for the fish to bite my bait
I’m the weak grandchild that couldn’t reel in the fish at age nine
But had the strong firm hands of my grandpa to help me
I’m from driving attempts of my grandparent’s tractor around there acre property
Struggling not to hit any of the dainty yellow flowers my grandma planted
I’m from long nights spent listening to the pitter patter of the rain on the roof
Sitting outside by the garage watching the rain for hours
Staying until I heard the sweet voice of my parents telling me to come in for the night
I’m from the rhythmic hands hitting each piano key gracefully and confidently
When played all together they form a beautiful melody that I could listen to all day
I’m also the capable hands of playing the violin
Music on the violin and piano are like the epitome of my life how it can calm me down at any moment 
I’m from moments spent playing with and teaching my dog new tricks 
Watching him run around with the treats I’ve given him in mouth
I’m from prolonged periods of time spent on doing homework
Perfectionism in my blood causing me to doubt every lingering thought
I’m from time spent at church teaching my young students about God
Loving how much of an effect I have on their lives
I’m from a home where I know that I’ll always feel safe
I am only one chapter in my life that has so much more to grow, learn, and understand about myself

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