Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 8, 2016
By PonyTailGuy GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
PonyTailGuy GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from laughter and giggling--
chuckling at doltish puns, chortling at foolish mishaps, and cackling at embarrassing moments.
Tears streaming, my smile widening...

I am from grueling -2? winters--
where the grand ol’ badger state blows bitter winds uncompared.
Shivering, frozen...

I’m from not only physical maturation, but mental refinement--
coercing limits in Thai Boxing and conquering school studies.
Sturdy physique, intuitive intellect...

I’m from video game all-nighters and visionary illustrations--
playing Halo: Combat Evolved with the best of buds, sketching works of dreamful fantasy.
An imaginative mind, a competitive tenacity…

I’m from an impossibility conveying a demanding possibility--
where skeptics, mindful doubts, and contemplations merely define excuses.
Craving success, unnerved by challenge…

I’m from life lessons to be recognized for generations--
where, “Pain is temporary, and pride is forever,” and “Change is a ubiquitous, ongoing force. ”
Malleable, galvanized…

I’m from a medical prescription of gaiety--
where, “A smile a day keeps the stress away.”
A distressed childhood, yet ecstatic future.

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