Where I Am From | Teen Ink

Where I Am From

February 8, 2016
By puckislife123 GOLD, Hartford, Wisconsin
puckislife123 GOLD, Hartford, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from ten days before Christmas, born into a family of four.
I am from the afternoons in my barn, brushing and feeding the horses,
from the grassy trails I ride on crisp fall days.
I am from rescuing three sick kitties outside who live happily and healthy.

I am from family bonfires,
from sticky s'mores and striking sparklers.
I am from tossing the frisbee on the beach.
From kayaking, reeling in a fish and spending the afternoon outside. 

I am from car rides back and forth from school ranging 20 minutes to an hour,
from my middle school in Milwaukee and high school at Arrowhead.
I am from the yearly ride to Canada, catching up with family over a game of Dominoes.

I am from building the backyard ice rink on Thanksgiving morning.
From the spotlights that light it up at night.
I am from pond hockey with friends.
From surrounding the television on New Year's Day to watch the Winter Classic.

I am from my dad waking me up at 6:00 am to get to the ice rink,
from breathing in the cold air, and feeling the wind on my face as I skate
I am from the shooting room, trying to improve.
From the adrenaline when the puck hits the back of the net and the horn sounds.

I am from the laps around the track
From the miles defining my drive, determination, and dedication
I am from sweat and tears that turn into success and trophies.

I am from my grandma's homemade caramel corn.
From the chocolate custard at Culver's.
From the doughnuts every Sunday morning.
I am from Hershey, Snickers and Twix.

I am from the night drives with friends, blasting the music with the windows down.
From wrapping up in sleeping bags to watch the stars on a summer night.
I am from hiking the trails at Lapham Peak, running up and down the hills.

I am from anything with a thrill
From the fastest roller coasters at Six Flags,
From the cliff jumping while camping.
I am from the motto, “live life to the fullest.”

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