Where im from | Teen Ink

Where im from

February 8, 2016
By caagerup2081 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
caagerup2081 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from…
a town where friends, family over daily
football parties each and every gameday 

I am from…
place basketball until the moon shined in the sky
sneak out at night, and go home knowing mom and dad will shout 

I am from…
a new house, new people, new school
scared, heard kids say “who’s the new kid”

I am from…
hands sweating,heavy breathing, learning teachers names
learning new subjects, studying day in and day out

I am from…
new friends, better friends,
best friends, girlfriends

I am from…
Best friends, 
favorite house, relationships

I am from…
new town where family and new friends over
family, friends, neighbors 

I am from…
North lake, Wisconsin
best city in the USA

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