Living, Loving, Life | Teen Ink

Living, Loving, Life

February 8, 2016
By Rohades18 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Rohades18 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from breaking my collar bone and splitting my nose,
“Shake it off,” “you’ll be fine,” and “work through it, buddy.”
Strength and fearlessness…

I am from a two bedroom one bath home, the siding chipped and the driveway rocky
Yard clean up, house remodeling, and dusty, like a house vacant for 60 years.
Thankful and loving…

I am from a college grad, and a college dropout, third-shift mom, self-employed dad
Working over 40 hours a week, 18, 7, and 3 year old think the world of them
Appreciative and caring...

I am from sports controlling school life, soccer controlling my life, weekend tournaments controlling social life
“Rohades!” “Bubba,” and “Captain.”
Leading and loyal…

I am from family, laying on the couch
Grandparents on football Sundays, with grilled burgers better than restaurants.
Dependable and sensitive...

I am from roaming New York, 16 times
Wondering about the world, smiling through the city that never sleeps.
Adventurous and trusted…

I am from the south, ocean breeze and beach sand
Memories of skim boarding and tanning.
Level-headed and relaxed…

I am from teaching myself how technology performs, and tireless effort mastering it
Wanting to know how the world around me operates, and teaching myself.
Dedicated and compassionate…

I am from heartache, throbbing pains in my stomach and chest, tears in my eyes
Death of family and friends, thinking, wishing they lived.
Emotionally drained and thought-provoked…

I am from taking care of others, I’m there
I am second to the people I care about
Wanted and needed.

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