Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 8, 2016
By Ali.Nigel SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Ali.Nigel SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am adventurous.
  through the woods and under the sea,
Traveling my specialty...

I am a healthy sunflower.
outside the bulk of my days
Bright cloudless and healthy ways...

I am a paintbrush.
sunrise nights, and paintings to rush...   
Creative minds and a colorful kinds...

I am a character in an action-filled movie.
carrying pepper spray walking through Milwaukee
Worrying about who passes, thinking they will capture me...

I am a sail boat.
unless there’s whitecapping waves and windy days
Deep red curly hair flowing in breezy ways…

I am a runner in an imaginary race during school.
gun goes off but I fall and others continue
Learning through art instead of books because of my dyslexia...

I am from my favorite holiday: Christmas.
born into the brisk January 16, 1998
Waiting for the bells to ring expecting Santa at the door not arriving late... 

I am from a family of Golden Eagles.
applying to schools in my senior year
Without a doubt getting my acceptance letter to Marquette ending in joyful tears...

I am Ali Nigel.
Short, sweet, and stressed about the whole caboodle.
But equally adventurous.

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