Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 8, 2016
By KP2016 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
KP2016 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from hugs and kisses (too many)?
I am from the “Hey squirt,” Dad says.
I am from the love of my family bringing us together.

I am from the “All you can do is your best,” that my family tells me.
I am the studious student eager to succeed.
I am from the never giving up attitude. 

I am from a view of boats passing by,
I am from the wind that blows through my blonde curly hair,
I am from the days of sunlight, with rosy red cheeks.

I am from the quietness of the woods and the loudness of my heart,
I am from the bear rug hanging on the side of our basement wall.
I am from the peace of the outdoors.

I am from the excitement of my favorite T.V show (The Bachelor),
I am from the mom and daughter memories.  
I am from Mondays at 7 p.m. on channel 12.

I am from, “Hop in the truck Kristi,” for our mini vacations.
I am from Grandma and Grandpa’s Northwood’s home.
I am from the town Elcho, WI.

I am from church on Sundays.
I am from daily talks to God, thanking him for my blessings.
I am from a life where I live through Christ.

I am from hugs and kisses (never enough).
I am from the “Hey Kristi Lee,” Mom says.
I am from the love of my family and this will never change.

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