Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 8, 2016
By Steve.Northrup PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
Steve.Northrup PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from my parents,
refusing to halt,
until perfections accomplished.
I am from my family,
where money bears the power--
no matter how manufactured.
I am from a perception,
there’s one answer,
and competing in an argument
results in decimating defeat….

I am from my friends
whom I have cycled through,
(the jocks, the players, the athletes, and the gamers)
shaping me to honor life.
I am from the mud pile devouring my friend,
his clothes destroyed,
and detailing lies to my teacher
while learning fibbing is evil.
I am from evening pick up games,
basketball, football, baseball, soccer;
winning wasn’t achieved,
but the amusement created memories….

I am from my school,
where social groups engulfed helpless freshmen,
and grades consumed students’ lives.
I am from procrastination,
where a sleep deprived teenager
produced the study habits of a summer driven senior.
I am from myself,
where inner thoughts trump the outer roar;
where social order remains a thought of the past;
and where others judging,
pays no mind to me….

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