Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 8, 2016
By Alec05 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Alec05 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I Am

    from a family in which everyone is over 6 foot from Merton,Wisconsin,

    to a family who values sports almost as much god and family.


I Am

    from a two story beige house in Merton, Wisconsin, with an open one acre yard ...

to playing ball tag, football and running sprints.

I Am

from a regulation basketball hoop in my driveway, hours practicing and playing

my dad 1 on 1 and hearing, “if you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse!”...

to a gym, where I spent hours putting work into the game I love.  Then playing under the

lights on Friday nights in a deafening, packed game

I Am

    from those four hour car rides to our cabin in Minocqua, Wisconsin,

    to waking at 5:45 AM on vacation because my dad makes me fish.

From those adrenaline filled four wheeler rides with my cousin through the bumpy,

branch-filled, dirt-covered trails …  to late night dinners at the Black Bear.

I Am

    from a broken tibia in two places, a broken fibula in one, and a broken heart because my

season was over…

devastated, frustrated and determined to make my return!

    From two surgeries on my leg to heal it,

    to tedious rehab to get back to playing.

Thinking the road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work,

drive and passion, it’s possible to achieve my dream.

I Am

    a student,

    an athlete,

    a hard worker,

    a thinker,
    with my three values; god, family, and sports.

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