I am from | Teen Ink

I am from

February 8, 2016
By Dillon12526 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Dillon12526 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a family of raw, rough, and rich humor and truth.
A family of love, trust, and integrity within our circle.
Never a dull moment...

I am from support and happiness involving my hobbies.

There for each other when desired.
Never left behind...

I am from hobbies and hands on learning, self taught skills.

Picking up pointers from my dad.
Learning new skills...

I’m from talents, music is my strongest, with repetitive practice.
Self motivation, perseverance and drive in my life.
Never quitting what I love...

I’m from earning what’s desired, with hard work and time.
If I want it, I pay for it with money earned.
Never given without effort...

I’m from doing quality work with effort, never half assed.
Do it right and with care the first time or don’t do it.
Strong work ethic...

I am not from quitting, I am from working through to the end, trying my best.
Giving up is not in my nature, it is not who I am, it is not an option.
Persevere through it...

I am not from a family of liars, it doesn’t fit in our moral code, it is not who we are.
Poor morals don’t run in our blood, own the mistake no matter what the damage.
Integrity is key...

I am not from a line of disrespect, talking down and being rude... not my family's style.
No form of disrespect is given or accepted without reason.
Consideration, honor...

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