The life of One | Teen Ink

The life of One

February 8, 2016
By aaron_nick SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
aaron_nick SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m a baby sick and made my family sad and scared.
     being in the hospital at the age of 9 months
I was in the hospital because I couldn't breath without help…

I’m a toddler that went back
     stricken at 5 with a disease that is rather rare 
was put in a hospital bed for two weeks agonizing pain

I’m from a school with a family legacy.
my grandma, dad, aunt, uncle, three cousins, a sister through St.Paul
WIth the youngest everyone knew

I’m a boy from a private school where church, family and school mattered.
     It small as in 100 kids in the entire school where everyone knew everyone.
I had 12 kids in my grade, In every class together for nine years straight.

I’m a kid who played a deal of  hockey.
   Being across the country playing for level teams.
I fell in love with not sport and success.

I’m a teen that chose Arrowhead over KM and it in new environment
   my sister was the only teen I knew.
a new opportunity,new school, new friends, new me.

I’m a teen that wants wants to make my life a success
   It was unsatisfying making the junior varsity in my first year because I wanted the best.
My dissatisfaction and anger turned into breaking the arrowhead records for JV...

I’m a teen that made the varsity as a sophomore
   It was disappointing because I rarely got to play.
I was upset because I never got the opportunity to prove myself.

I’m an older teen that was a junior and was on my second year of varsity
   Being incredibly competitive I worked harder than diamonds and got more playing time
I now lead the state of WI in states and leading the hockey team to be ranked 9th in the state.

I’m just a kid trying to make my family proud, purposeful, and pleasurable of me.
   Being healthy for many years which I can only thank God for.
I am helpless without my family and my God.

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