Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 8, 2016
By Paintedlady19 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
Paintedlady19 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from scrubbing
from Mr.Clean and Pinesol.
I am from the dust hiding in the corner
from all nighters and no sleep.
I am from distress...

I am from paint,
from watercolors and acrylic.
I am from brush strokes across a canvas
from dirty T-shirts and splats.
I am from loneliness.

I am from babysitting
from four sisters and two brothers.
I am from diaper changes every two hours
from brushing hair and teeth
I am from anxiety...

I am from books
from Storyteller and Saving Max
I am from reading a new book every two weeks
from bookmarks and doggy ears
I am from depression.

I am from bullies
from black eyes and bloody noses
I am from parents never wondering what happened
from a new school and new bullies
I am from despair...

I am from distress
from all nighters and no sleep
I am from the dust hiding in a corner
from Mr.Clean and Pinesol
I am from scrubbing.

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