WIF-Jacob L | Teen Ink

WIF-Jacob L

February 8, 2016
By John_Conner SILVER, Heartland, Wisconsin
John_Conner SILVER, Heartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a melting pot.
I am from the dirt track that ATVs race on.
I am from the pine trees surrounding our yard, the flowers surrounding the house, and the freakishly tall oaks in the back.

I am from the birthday punches, and changing the formula to make it easy, from the Luchinskes, and the White Houses.
I am from working long shifts, and dreaming realistically.
From “you will thank me someday,” and “ life is an upstream battle.”

I am from the God that blessed me with this family.
I am from the destruction of 1933 that forces us across seas to a new land and a new life.
I am from delicious dinners, grilled steak, and potatoes that put other meals to shame.
I am from the east, the west and everywhere inbetween.

I am from withered trunks that hold memories from past generations with more to come.
I am from family betrayals, the overcoming of hardships, and the working of miracles.
From all around the world we came, and made this family an ever growing melting pot.

The author's comments:

WIF = Where Im From

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