Memorable Childhood | Teen Ink

Memorable Childhood

February 8, 2016
By Rodney47 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Rodney47 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a childhood of pain 
I rolled my four wheeler--
Crushed by a falling door at Menards, while playing around them--
Third degree burns on my right arm--
Day and day, pain. . . after pain again. . .

I am from a family searching for a home
Both tan, one story houses
I had one that was clean and now. . .  cluttered
A disarranged basement with clothes, and treacherous toys in boxes
A garage, intensified with piles and piles of garbage
I tell my mom time. . . after time again to “throw it away”. . .

I am from a family of love
I  worship spending time with family--
I will back them up
I went on road trips; vacations and enjoy it with my family
Divorced parents, but even though, we spend time together.
Love. . .  keeps a family together. . .

I am from an outdoors family
I have two snowmobiles and started riding a year ago
Fisherman that live and love it
Hunters that give up even if it’s Wisconsin's -10 ºF below wind chill
Family that hikes mountains and trails.
Family. . . plus outdoors. . . equals. . . amazement and adventure. . .

I am still from falling doors and moving house to house.
Spending time with family and hiking hills.
And I am always going to be here. . .

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