Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 9, 2016
By 7mielke GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
7mielke GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the crash of the waves,
the cool lake breeze, and the chitter-chatter of friends and family.
From Dora and Cheetos, watercolor paint,
the sweet smell of Grandma’s house on West Dreyer Place.
I am from the crack of the horse whip, the thud of the hard shoe,
and the smack of the line-driven spike.

I am from the 14-hour water rush,
from the cramped week in the RV.
I am from “we are all happy, healthy and alive,”
from St. Patrick’s Day and Céad míle fáilte.
I am from the holy trinity,
from faith, family, and friends.

I am from body versus mind and the acute 24-hour rule,
from “pressure is a privilege” and “mental toughness extra effort.”
I am from coarse hair covered chaps, sticky sock glue and tightly curled wigs.
From muscle aches and striving to be like Blake.
I am from the heroic athletes, a brilliant businessman and woman.
From the nag of “more reps” and “go get on the jumpbox.”
I am from unknown potential and nightly hour-long talks.

I am from sweet potato casserole and flourless torte,
from the backyard hill, frigid winter sledding and sun-kissed summer swimming.
I am from Mom’s best friend,
from 1:00 pm Days of Our Lives and 7:00 pm Bachelor.
I am from Brock this, Megan that,
from repeatedly wanting, but never receiving a cat.
I am from dark clothes, dark hair, dark eyes.
From “look how tall you’ve gotten” and “oh no, we don’t carry that shoe size.”

I am from west coast trips,
From the restless Pacific Ocean, the vast Oregon woods, and snowy Mt. Hood.
I am from a family connected at the roots,
from the friends who complete the trunk and the faith that restores the leaves,
I am from “the apple that doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

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