I am From | Teen Ink

I am From

February 9, 2016
By ejestenson GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
ejestenson GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a peaceful cabin in Hayward.

No shoes, living in a swimsuit, and tummies filled with sugar.
I am from matching jammies and braided hair
from watching cars filled with loved family members come down the driveway.

I am from summers that glimmer with magic.
Talking to fish, ruling the woods, and transforming into a mermaid in the lake.
I am from fairy gardens and toad homes
from watching deer gallop back into their home in the woods.

I am from snowed-in Christmas.
Sledding at midnight, acting like a princess on the ice.
I am from moonlit skiis and stone-fire pizza in Cable
from watching the snow glisten like stars at night.

I am from starry nights.
Swimming at midnight, playing cards on the porch, and dancing with fireflies.
I am from the lullaby of loons and bull frogs
from watching the water glisten from my bedroom window.

I am from memories filled with bliss and comfort.
Shoving rocks up my nose, the banana girls, and hiding in the woods.
I am from cooking with grandma and family pictures
from watching my loved ones grow old.

I am from the last trip home.
Soaking up memories, packing boxes, and pretending I am staying.
I am from the last walk around the house and goodbyes
from watching the car pull out of the drive way one last time.

I am still from a peaceful cabin in Hayward.
Reliving the past, finding old pictures, and watching home videos.
We still wear matching jammies, and braid each other’s hair,
Still cook with Grandma, and craving a tummy filled with sugar.
I am from the love I share with my family

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