An Ode to Caitlynn | Teen Ink

An Ode to Caitlynn

February 9, 2016
By bnthomp14 BRONZE, Ossian, Indiana
bnthomp14 BRONZE, Ossian, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Casual Monday
Apple Bee's visits
In order
To see, her
Love, Adam.
You will
Never experience this if you
Never give her the
Chance to show you
How fun she is to be around.
Riding around Waynedale,
Screaming at people from
Teegan's window.
Imagine the looks we get.
No one can compare to her
Gift she has, the gift of art.
Really, there
Is more to her than what meets the eye.
Gleeful is my time with her,
So glad, am I to be such great friends with her.

The author's comments:

this is dedicated to one of my best friends

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