Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 9, 2016
By tskaggs SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
tskaggs SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am someone who had to work there way up the ladder
“You have work to do,” “Your our 13th forward,” and “developmental player”
Doubt and regret…

I am someone who believes practice makes perfect
100 pucks a day, 10,000 pucks a summer, and 1 goal ahead of me
Hard work and dedication…

I am someone engrossed, and engaged in the sport I love
5am privates, friends don’t ask to hang, summer filled with hockey
work ethic and determination...

I am someone where my dream was passed up by one journey
apart of something bigger than myself, team first, team USA, hopes and aspirations gone in matter of a roster
Crushed and disappointed

I am someone who comes from a link of friendships that I see on circadian schedule
my team, my girls, my best friends
Love and appreciative

I am a junior, ranked top five in the nation for ice hockey and showing the ones who doubted in my ability to go far,
The Ohio State commit, national champions, round 2 here we come!
Strength and Inspiration

The author's comments:

I wrote this in creative writing about who I am and where I'm from.

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