The Upbringing That Built Me | Teen Ink

The Upbringing That Built Me

February 9, 2016
By oliviabohnsack SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
oliviabohnsack SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from making grape-scented Play doh with Dad,
eating unscented chapstick and crying on Santa’s lap.
I am from hearing “Mind your manners” and “Knowledge is power”...

I am the boss and protector of Jack and Jenna.

I am from a coffee-stained, cluttered yet cozy ranch house,
a worn, weathered and well-loved Eeyore stuffed animal and playdates with the neighborhood rug rats.
I am from throwing up my first hot dog and refusing to eat them again…

I am Olivia, Ojibwa, Jib Jah and Jib.

I am from rock collecting at campgrounds, painting blank canvases with acrylics
and watching Grandma cook spaghetti and mozzarella-stuffed meatballs through my hazel eyes.
I am from believing that Tinkerbell could make me fly…

I am the champion of watching Netflix’s B-rated horror movies on rainy days.

I am from “Good things come to those who do,”
earning my first degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and applying to UW Milwaukee on my own.
I am from taking care of others before taking care of myself…

I am the unofficial guardian of my loved ones.

The author's comments:

Our Creative Writing teacher assigned us a free verse poem all about where we are from. This poem is a brief description of who I am and what I believe in.

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