Dear Mother | Teen Ink

Dear Mother

February 23, 2016
By Anonymous

When I was little,
My mother taught me how
To put on tights.
I never thought
That I would use them
To cover up scars when I grew up

When I was little
My mother fed me hot dogs
And mac and cheese.
I never thought
That I would find myself
Forcing up dinners in the bathroom

When I was little
My mother taught me
That drugs are bad.
I never thought
That I would find myself
Railing lines of coke off of my laptop


Dear mother,
Please forgive me
For ruining your dreams
Of having three perfect children.
You have achieved 2/3;
You got a 66.66666%
So I’m sorry for ruining your grade average
Or should I say daughter average?

I’m sorry that I rebel so much,
That I’ve used thousands of dollars worth of

I’m sorry that none of that has helped.
I’m sorry that you pay 50$
Every ten days
For my cartons of cigarettes

I’m sorry that when the school calls
It’s either for unexcused absences
Or its because I’m in the office

I’m sorry that when you clean my room
You find dirty pipes
And sealed containers.

I’m sorry for ruining the family:
Making dinners WWIII
Screaming matches before school
And silent car drives
Where all you can hear is the buzz from my headphones

I’m sorry for being me.

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