The Shepard's Flock | Teen Ink

The Shepard's Flock

March 2, 2016
By Sophie2019 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Sophie2019 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Shepherd peacefully

gazes down upon his flock,
leading with his wooden
staff atop a luscious,
green bluff.


His sheep know their Savior’s
voice and follow him; blind to
tendencies of straying,
they’re greatly dependent.


Their Shepherd will provide
strength to carry themselves;
where the Shepherd goes
and stays, the sheep intend
on the same; knowing an
everlasting life awaits them.


Reds and blues swirl in
harmony; casting sunsets,
what a magnificent sight on
shattered lands it is to behold.


Some sheep’s souls are
shut tight, unobservant of
the Shepherd; they’ve become
the reason he stays
atop the cliffs.

The author's comments:

God/Jesus is our shepard and we are the sheep. This poem is written metaphorically.

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