Kitchen Floor | Teen Ink

Kitchen Floor

March 2, 2016
By probablysydni SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
probablysydni SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freezing legs intertangled on cold white tiles
An exhausted head, leaning against dented cabinets
A pile of barely mediocre projects, half finished
And screaming to be completed and perfected
Sat before me, causing my stomach to churn
And my eyes to dry up until they’re burning for me to blink

Fresh warm tears trailing until they mixing with a runny nose
Eyelids beginning to grow heavy as a wall of bricks
A vestige of motivation, but no concentration
The projects screaming has faded to a muffled whisper
Clocks ticking confoundingly and kettles shrieking at me,
Followed by amplified snores behind ivory colored doors

Time drains at a rapid pace, energy following suit
And my brain’s clouded over with negativity
There’s no longer a bright side, I finish a pathetic
Attempt or face a humiliating failure for a grade
But the clock is ticking, and my eyelids are weights
Too heavy to bear , and I stumble to bed in defeat

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