What Freedom Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Freedom Means to Me

March 4, 2016
By ejestenson GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
ejestenson GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am proud to be American.  America was created on the backs of people who wouldn’t let our flag fade. Those people made our flag shine during the darkest days. In the Civil War we fought for the freedom of others, our flag was created.
I live in a land where men and women protect our flag so it never falls to the ground. For hundreds of years, we have fought for our God given rights--and we will always fight, for freedom always rings in America.
I go to a school where I am allowed to learn. Everyday, I pledge the flag in honor of those who allow me to become wise. I learn from triumphs and mishaps my country has experienced. I learn so that one day I can make a difference in the world.
I belong to a church where I can believe in whomever and whatever I want…a liberty not every person in the world has.
I know that when I see a flag, I don’t only see fabric. I see each thread that was put into creating a symbol that represents the blood, purity, and tears that made my country. I am proud to be American.

The author's comments:

Freedom means something different to everyone. I believe that freedom has been created by the people before us, they have provided the liberties we have today.

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