A Visit to the Farm | Teen Ink

A Visit to the Farm

March 4, 2016
By Sophie2019 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Sophie2019 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stallions gallop throughout luscious

verdurous pastures, as the red
Case tractor hums next to a
charcoal gray silo;
brown cows graze on towering
bundles of amber hay.


A frayed baseball Twins
cap rests on silver smooth hair;
a man’s patience grows each
day inside a kind heart of joy.


Succulent savory spice
scents fill the
home’s kitchen, while
rice pudding goldens
beautifully in the oven.


The phone rings and a hair
dryer blows upstairs, hurrying
downstairs with pink
slippers and mascara in one hand;
a woman’s kindness overpowers
her desire for a clean home.


Their life together
began in a one room
schoolhouse, the girl in ninth
while the boy was in eleventh.


Both having big farm
families of their own,
they were inseparable; a
golden bell calls the lovely
sweethearts to class,
pausing their fantasy.


As long as they
stay together, their
love never fails; their love
protects and


Their characters show the
true meaning of family; without them
I would have never been born,
Grandparents make the world
go round with their care.

The author's comments:

This poem was specically dedicated to my grandparents. They live on a farm and I tell about their story throughout the poem.

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