Beauty is only Slime deep | Teen Ink

Beauty is only Slime deep

March 5, 2016
By Sophie2019 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Sophie2019 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When you envision a

frog what do people think?
Surely camouflaged
croaking creatures, they


disagree having anywhere
near the kitchen sink; their
heightening hops give
scares to outdoor greenskeepers.


Gigantic bubbles of
skin touch a moldy log as they
ribbit; dare to embrace one,
warts are destined to appear your way.


Explore the wildlife
parklands that feature
exotic exhibits; on April 25, the
annual American leap day.


Nevertheless, these darling
devil's become quite
enchanting; with their darting
eyes and explosive legs ready,


they jump the distance. Tadpoles
safely swim around cattails
someone just finished planting;
the nature of the care-freers could


benefit us in our
time of existence. In the labs,
miracles are created for the
opportunity of nobel prizes.


Their outstretched tongues
capture the undesirable insects that stink;
however, beware the remote
rainforest due to their abundant


surprises. When people
envision a frog now what
should they think?

The author's comments:

My favorite type of animal is the frog. Most people think they are gross little nuisances 

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