He was hated -- He became heroic -- He is honored -- Hercules | Teen Ink

He was hated -- He became heroic -- He is honored -- Hercules

March 22, 2016
By andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Unfaithful, deceitful Zeus…
Conceived in falsehood -- Hercules.
Snakes, Hera sent to erase...
Lifeless in his grip -- Hercules.
Forceful Zeus, hateful Hera…
He would pay the price -- Hercules.

The spilling of family blood…
Nightmare -- he awoke. He bewailed.
“What to do,” he inquired…
Labor -- he mustn't live in sin.
12 heroic endeavors…
Deliverance -- of Hera’s doom.

Completed the twelve labors…
Lived in truthfulness -- Hercules.
Granted mercy and honor…
Chariot he rides -- Hercules.
The essence of a hero…
His story lives on -- Hercules. 

The author's comments:

Written about an ancient world theme: Hercules.

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